I cannot imagine where I would be today was it not for that handful of friends who brought so much joy and blessings to me beyond measure. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL MY FRIENDS OUT THERE! Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun, life becomes like a desert island without friends and you will agree with me that you are privileged to have some people as friends. Yea! Me too, it’s really a privilege I met some certain individuals. So with such gusto let’s recap some memories and * DRAW THE LESSONS* from the company of my friends. Recently life transported me to a famous and ancient city in Edo state, Nigeria. Benin City to be precise and I came to meet a lot of people who have really affected my life positively. So in recent times here are three (3) friends I met and lessons I did learn associating with them. DO IT RIGHT Joining the Sunday school teachers in the school chapel was a great adventure for me as I love being in the midst of teachers, it was a ...