TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE By Godfrey Ifeanyi Irene kassorla says ‘’the pen that should write your life’s story must be held in your own hand’’ Charles swindoll ‘’life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it’’ Understanding that life happens in fragments and pieces, gives you an edge to becoming self-controlled. Self-controlled in the sense that you are the captain of your boat. WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR LIFE YOU ARE THE BOSS . Life doesn’t happen in one day, neither does it happen in one moment, it unfolds itself bit-by-bit and oftentimes leaves us confused, where our self-willed power seems smothered. Despite the intricacy of life, how do we take control and begin to chart the course in of our existence. First of all here are some truths we need to digest as we get along. a. You are the creator of your own destiny ...