By Godfrey Ifeanyi


Irene kassorla says ‘’the pen that should write your life’s story must be held in your own hand’’

Charles swindoll ‘’life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it’’

Understanding that life happens in fragments and pieces, gives you an edge to becoming self-controlled. Self-controlled in the sense that you are the captain of your boat. WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR LIFE YOU ARE THE BOSS. Life doesn’t happen in one day, neither does it happen in one moment, it unfolds itself bit-by-bit and oftentimes leaves us confused, where our self-willed power seems smothered.

Despite the intricacy of life, how do we take control and begin to chart the course in of our existence.

First of all here are some truths we need to digest as we get along.

a.     You are the creator of your own destiny

b.     Everything starts from you.

c.      Our reality projects from inwards outwards


For some of us everything is someone else fault, we can explain away with vague reasons why we couldn’t make phenomenal impact in life. We have traded our decision making-power for other people’s opinion, the wings of our dreams have been crippled by the myopic views of others. For some of us we have been stereotyped to negativity because of what we have had to go through in life, but I present to you, that life is about you becoming the hero not the victim. STOP FIGHTING YOURSELF AND START FIGHTING FOR YOURSELF.

‘’I believe that more people will learn from their misfortunes, mistakes and problems if they were not busy blaming it on others’’. – Godfrey Ifeanyi


So let me share with you 4 ways you can SELF-AUTHOR your own life.

1.     FACE YOUR FEARS. ‘’it is good that a man bears his yoke in his youth’’  the Bible says.  Fear limits the vision of yourself, it can stifle your in-born abilities. It holds you back from what you want to do in life. Begin to build the habit of facing your fears, ‘’fear uses what you are supposed to be in control of, to control you’’. Learn to eat up that frog (FEAR) early. The fears we don’t face simply becomes our limits, whatever that confronts you is what you were meant to conquer

2.     PREPARE FOR THE WORST. Like I said earlier life happens one day at a time, today may be sunny tomorrow gloomy. Those negative vices/happenings were never meant to defeat or throw you into a state of melancholy but because you couldn’t see it coming, you get victimized. We have been designed to always wish for and expect the best, we most likely live with very good intentions, but most often we realize that we have more negative occurrence than having the outcome of our good intentions. Have good intentions, but be intentional. Expect the best also prepare for the worst. Don’t let the worst times throw you around like a rootless tree. ‘’January use to be a very difficult month, but you can’t get rid of it by tearing it off the calendar’’ Jim Rohn says.

3.     CLEAR DEFINITION. Let me quote Steve Maraboli here ‘’incredible thing happen in your life when you decide to take control of what you have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t’’. Does that make sense?


Until you clearly define every constituent of your individuality, understanding your privileges, advantages and subjections then you are the BOSS. STOP LIVING FROM THE WORLD OF UNCERTAINTY. Start from defining yourself, relationships, activities etc. it helps you eliminate junk. ‘’most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any’’ and this happens when your life is not defined on clear terms.

4.     CHOICES. Understand the power of choices. Get your mind conditioned to know that your choices are absolutely your responsibility. Those who really take control of their lives are those who have declared independence from other people’s opinions. Seek advice but understand that whatever advice resonates with you is still under your super control. The only person you are permitted to become is the person you decide to be, either you choose to plow your ground or you allow the weeds grow.


Finally why do you really have to consider my topic for today?

1.     When you control EVERYTHING you can change ANYTHING

2.     Whatever you are ready to PUT UP WITH is what you will eventually END UP WITH
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  1. I am taking control.
    Thank you for this one.

    1. I am glad you found it rewarding @Cynthia

    2. This is really challenging... You have to take control of your own life and stop giving excuses where you should proffer solutions..

    3. so true! thank you @Godfreytim


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