BLOW UP THE BOX LIVING AN EXCEPTIONAL LIFE Probably you are wondering what Ifeanyi want to write sef! Issokay!!! I like it when I make you wonder because very soon your life will become a wonder. Have you arranged your pen and jotter in case there’s something to note! Ok! Now, to what I want to talk about; Alejandro Jodorowsky the Chilean film maker once said ‘’ normality is to be different. Every person is a different person, and one day you need to be aware of your difference. Aware that you are not the same as the others. That is to be normal’’ I will put it this way; ‘’don’t remain normal by being normal, remain normal by being different’’ . It’s simple, as human beings (that we are) we have been structured to relate with life based on our past experiences, apparently our realities are shaped by our past experiences. So our yesterdays have created our todays reality BOX. Every human born of a woman has a reality BOX that informs our disposition to l...