Now this is huge!!!
In a factual sense, the word, term or idea known as PURPOSE
has been like a pin in the shoes of many. That whenever we come across it, it
cause a shock through our spine. Especially when we live with the guilt of ‘’ I
have to find my purpose before I die or else I will live a miserable life’’.
Undoubtedly this has plagued our minds and disposition to life for years, and
at times makes us feel insignificant and worthless.
So we are here for a heart to heart talk!!
Let’s be friendly and frank to each other, you are really
keen about finding purpose that’s why you’ve read up until this point,
hopefully you could find an answer and guess what?
How many times have you been asked to follow your passion,
probably your purpose is wrapped up somewhere around it, how many times have
you been asked to pray and you sincerely took a prayer break hoping it will
come like a Joseph dream, and a whole lot of other purpose finding adventure.
Well!!! I did do all that, I did try out several ways of
knowing who I am, what I’m here for and all those purpose-like questions, but
recently like flipping over the page of a book I landed on a new chapter where my life goals, purposes
and objectives where stated and written clearly. But how did I get here?
Well it’s simply a two paged book
Hey! Here is a fact- ‘’Don’t seek to find the meaning of
life, seek the one who gives meaning to life’’, life can be simple and
complicated but it’s directly dependent on the spectacle through which you view
it. Learn to view life from God’s perspective, sometimes the situation you are
going through isn’t the problem but rather the way you look at it becomes the
Everything God has brought you through in life is a pointer
to where He wants to take you to, the challenge is that we’ve not inspected
life from God’s point of view. Well, this is only simple when you develop an
active relationship with Him because ‘’God is life’’ if you have found God you
have found life.
Life can be so full of fun with God at the center of it, that's what you see displayed in the next picture!!!

Here is the misunderstanding we keep having about life, ‘’I
need to find what I have been created to do on earth’’. While that is a very
good question to ask or statement to make, yet, it disposes the fact that life
starts from ‘’whom you are’’ to ‘’what you have to do’’. Don’t get carried away
in search of your assignment on earth forgetting the fact that you need to find
whom you are first.
That’s where it starts from, whom were you created to be
comes before what were you created to do, being precedes doing, because the
things you are meant to do are to be borne out of whom you are. Trying to do
things without a well furnished knowledge of whom you are keeps your life in a
mess. Let whom you are resonate with what you do and right there you can find
fulfilment in life. Becoming everything you were meant to do makes the doing easy,
so get this, you were created to BE first before you DO.
ACTION PLAN: Bring God more closer not by observing some religious rites, but by loving Him genuinely. How well do you reach out to people, how passionate are you about impacting lives, what practical steps have you taken to be a blessing to people. The more you engage in activities of reaching out to people and just impacting into them, your life's purpose becomes clearer. Here are practical ways you can reach out to people no matter how small you message is, it can be spiritual, motivational, educational etc.
1. You can start writing a blog, just like I am doing
2. You can create a watsapp broadcast group and regularly write up something to bless them
3. Do a Facebook post, talk about a matter of interest
4. If you prefer talking why not record a podcast and share the link with your friends.
''Don't judge your success by the fruits you harvest, but rather the seeds you sow daily''
Godfrey Ifeanyi Daniel
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