
Showing posts from 2016


GIVE UP ALL FOR THE BEST - AZUKA IFEANYI DANIEL ''When we give up our worth in life for the best in Christ that's only when we are worth the best in life''                                                                   AZUKA IFEANYI DANIEL I  have something in my mind to let out, Yea! something God dropped in my meditation one faithful evening, and what could it be?..........let's go this journey step by step.   GIVE UP ALL....!!!   Philippians 3:7 ''but what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ'' Is there something so important in my life that I have not given up for God, that means there is something so important in God that I have not got yet. God is in the business of; give up all for me and get the all of me, I know this of business men who anxiously waiting for the next op...


Daniel 11:32b   ''but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits         The Bible in daniel 11:32b talks about those who know their God, those who have a knowledge of whom their God is that can possess the power , that can have the ability to do signs and wonders.         That's why I often ask this question; how much of your God do you know? or how much more of your God do you want to know?.... what more do you want more of God or more of the world. The power to do exploits, the power to defeat your enemies, the power to fulfill your destiny lies in your knowledge of the Word of God. That's why Daniel said ' 'the people that know their God '', those people who like Apostle Paul are saying '' that I may know him' '. (Phili 3:10)                 The English man will say ''knowledge is power'' seeking to know ...


Its time for the world to stand up to the truth, its time for Christians to speak the true word of God without fear of condemnation and rejection.... majority are living life without direction and understanding, just making do with whatever comes their way. Having no knowledge of what God has in store for them, this is why He has called us as christians to stand up and show the world His unconditional love , His sufficient grace and abundant mercy . Bringing them to the knowledge of the truth. The world dosn't really wait for a new definition of Christianity rather the world is waiting for a new demonstration of Christianity